Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Hike to Delliknäs

A week ago we went hiking in the Dellikälvens Nature Reserve at the river Laisan, which is about 50km west of Arjeplog. It's a good day tour when you start from our cabin.

Größere Kartenansicht

It was a 10km hike into the past visiting the historical settlement Delliknäs. We took some homemade jerky (dried moose meat) with us as provisions for the day hike.

The tour started at the river Laisan where you had to go over a bridge and then 5km through virgin forest, most of the time slightly uphill.

It was a grey autumn day. When we arrived in Delliknäs the landscape looked kind of spooky but it somehow fit into the atmosphere of the place.

Delliknäs was established in 1892 and inhabited until the 60s. Hard to imagine how tough life must have been under the climatic conditions. People who made a living through livestock breeding (mainly sheep) and farming.

Some buildings were already collapsed others restored. This would probably the perfect spot to experience real wilderness living. Far away from the next road and amenities. A long way from any luxury really.

In our modern world there is a snowmobile track on which you can travel to the place during the winter. Would be interesting to see what the place looks like then!


Fred Rune Rahm said...

One would think that people was made of an another breed earlier, they managed life in tougher conditions. Thanks for the trip, text and photos.

Anne said...

Yes, it really is amazing how our ancestors survived not even a century ago! Today people take 'survival' courses...


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